Buying a website as a long term investment, diversify, add value and scale.

Any investor in the world will tell you the same thing, diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk and in stability in the markets.

Whatever the value of your overall portfolio, ideally you have multiple options in multiple areas of investment and holdings.

For instance, you may have a proportion of your portfolio invested in multiple stocks, from conservative making up the majority, with a small percent allocated for higher risk investments, i.e. start ups, tech firms and companies rocketing through viral media.

Whatever your budget, diversification is key, spread risk through multiple opportunities. For instance, laying down wine, classic cars, property and small business could be a great way to add diversity.

Investors today are allocating a much larger and larger proportion of their portfolios for online investment, there is now so much to choose from, with online investments available in almost any niche – the possibilities are endless.

Not only are buying online businesses a great way to diversify your portfolio, they are far more scalable in the online world. It can literally only take one great blog post, one great product or one great feature to gather global traction and this canpropel your business into stardom literally overnight. It does happen, we have seen it ourselves.

Buying an online business is simpler than you think – and you’ll often be able to find something in an industry or niche that you’re already interested in. For instance, let’s say you’re a keen DIYer, or interior decorator – buying up a small online shop in the DIY or decorating niche would be a great start. You can then add value to this existing site and take it to the next level. Seen a online shop that’s making OK money and just ticking along?

Adding a well written blog with great shareable content will help get people heading to your site, your blog re-inforces the brand, which re-inforces the trust to buy – boom, you’ve got a sale literally just from blogging.


Once you know you have had one sale from this content, many more will undoubtedly follow, it won’t happen in isolation. As more and more people find your content, the higher it could rise in the search engines and gain more visibility.

More traffic = more sales = more profit.

Adding a blog and some human interaction is an easy way to add value to a site / niche that you don’t know what to do with, and a great start.

There is ALWAYS a way of adding value to any website and online business, it is literally endless. This is why online investment is so exciting – you decide on the direction you want to take and what you want to do, and I bet you know more about a certain niche than you think you do. Leverage that, get started and get building value.

Here at The Website Brokers we’d love to hear from you, is there a certain niche you’d like to get into and don’t know where to start? We can help you find a site to buy, or we can check through our archives and see what we can find for you – just try us.

If you already have a website and would like to sell it to try a new niche, let us know and we can give you a rough market value. We’d love to hear from you so please get in contact.

Any questions or feedback please let me know.

5 reasons to sell a site via a website broker